Coaching sessions are

  • Personalized

    In our initial sessions, we'll focus on evaluating your current state of wellness and crafting a customized plan that aligns with your individual needs and aspirations. This tailored approach ensures that your journey towards wellness is as unique as you are.

  • Targeted

    Each individual faces unique challenges on the path to complete body wellness. Together, we'll collaborate to pinpoint and address your specific pain points, developing strategies to effectively overcome any obstacles you encounter.

  • Integrative

    Understanding that true wellness extends beyond diet and exercise, my approach encompasses a broader spectrum of practices. Alongside nutritional guidance and fitness, I'll introduce you to mindfulness training and other holistic techniques, vital for nurturing both mental and emotional well-being.

health & wellness coaching

Your Path to Wholeness

Welcome to a transformative journey that encompasses every aspect of your being. In our coaching sessions, we focus on the integral elements of Mind, Body, and Soul, ensuring a holistic path to wellness and fulfillment.

MIND: Mastering Your Mental Landscape

Your mind is a powerful tool, capable of incredible feats, yet often hindered by self-imposed limitations. Our coaching in this realm is designed to help you:

  • Clear Limiting Beliefs: Unearth and release deep-seated beliefs that restrict your potential.

  • Foster Positive Thought Patterns: Cultivate a mindset that empowers you to unlock your limitless possibilities.

  • Inspire and Educate: Learn techniques to maintain a positive, motivated mental state that propels you toward your goals.

BODY: Nurturing Your Physical Health

Your body is the vessel that carries you through life, and its well-being is crucial. Our focus here is comprehensive, involving:

  • Nutritional Transformation: Understand how food impacts your health and learn to make choices that nourish and energize your body.

  • Exercise and Movement: Discover exercise routines that you enjoy and that contribute to your overall health.

  • Holistic Health Practices: Learn about sleep hygiene, stress management, and other practices to enhance your physical wellness.

Soul: Embracing Inner Harmony

The soul is your core, the essence of who you are. In our sessions, we'll delve into:

  • Releasing Emotional Baggage: Let go of past hurts, worries, and fears that weigh down your soul.

  • Connecting to Your Truth: Find and embrace your authentic self, uncovering the power of self-love and confidence.

  • Inner Calling and Perfection: Learn to trust your intuition and acknowledge the perfection that exists within your unique journey.

culinary wellness coaching

Your Path To Dive Into The Art of Healthy Cooking

This journey is not just about recipes; it's a transformative experience that turns your kitchen into a sanctuary of health and flavor. You'll learn how to create nourishing meals that are as delightful to your taste buds as they are beneficial to your well-being. Our coaching covers everything from selecting wholesome ingredients to mastering cooking techniques that preserve their nutritional value. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned cook, our guidance will help you infuse wellness into every bite, making healthy eating a joyous and sustainable part of your life.

Love & Logic Parenting course

Learn Parenting Strategies for Children of All Ages

Course Modules:

  1. Module 1: Strategies to Stop Arguing, Back Talk, and Begging

  2. Module 2: Balancing Responsibility, Teaching with Nurturing Love

  3. Module 3: Setting Limits Peacefully, Without Conflict

  4. Module 4: Overcoming Power Struggles with Effective Techniques

  5. Module 5: Empowering Children to Solve Their Own Problems

  6. Module 6: Encouraging Chores Completion Independently and Without Monetary Incentives

Developed by Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D., the Love and Logic approach has been a cornerstone in parenting guidance since 1977. Renowned for its effectiveness, this method has empowered parents from diverse backgrounds to nurture happy, resilient, and responsible children. Our course offers time-tested strategies and practical tools to help you navigate the parenting journey with confidence and love.

In this course, you'll discover how to:

  • Resolve conflicts and end the cycle of arguing and manipulation.

  • Effectively address defiance without escalating tensions.

  • Replace feelings of anger and frustration with understanding and empathy.

  • Bring peaceful resolutions to bedtime struggles.

  • Empower children to learn from their mistakes in safe, low-risk situations.

  • And much more!

Sign up for the coaching package that works for you

Complete Transformation Coaching Plan
Every month

Transform your life with personalized guidance and support. This plan aims to offer a holistic and supportive coaching experience, designed to empower individuals on their journey to personal growth and well-being.

✓ Engage in weekly 1-hour personal coaching sessions
✓ Unlimited Text and Email Support
✓ Personalized Wellness Plan
✓ Complimentary Copy of "Discover the Adventure of You"
Biweekly Coaching Package
Every month

Discover a balanced path to growth and wellness with focused support. This biweekly plan is designed to provide a consistent, yet manageable coaching experience, ideal for those who prefer a balance between guided support and independent growth.

✓ Engage in in-depth 1-hour coaching sessions every two weeks
✓ Text and email support between sessions
✓ Customized Wellness Strategy
✓ Complimentary Copy of "Discover the Adventure of You"
Complimentary Consultation

This consultation session introduces my coaching services, allowing you to connect with me, Coach Christine, and explore how we can work together toward your personal transformation.

✓ One-on-One Discussion
✓ Program Overview
✓ Q&A Opportunity
Love and Logic Mastery Course with Coaching
For 2 months

This plan offers a comprehensive approach to learning and applying Love and Logic parenting methods, supported by personalized coaching to ensure practical application and understanding. The pricing reflects the value of the combined course and tailored coaching sessions.

✓ Comprehensive 6-Week Love and Logic Course
✓ Weekly one-hour personal teaching sessions for six weeks
✓ Weekly 30 minute personal coaching sessions
✓ Email and text support throughout the course
✓ Customized Action Plans