Radiate Health and Wellness

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My Cancer Journey: How Food Became My Medicine

It all began with one question: Was the way I was eating feeding my cancer, or was it fighting it?

The Power of Food in Healing

In those early days, I was bombarded with advice on what to do. Some people suggested pills, others pushed radical treatments, but deep down, I knew that I had to get to the root of the problem. I didn’t want to mask the symptoms; I wanted to address the cause. That’s when I made the decision to overhaul my diet and embrace a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

I was already familiar with the idea that certain foods could help prevent disease, but it wasn’t until I dove deeper into research that I realized how transformative this change could be. I started to learn about foods that are known to fight cancer—foods like GBOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds), a term coined by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. These foods are packed with powerful nutrients and have been shown to support immune function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

My Personal Food Evolution

The transition to a plant-based lifestyle wasn’t exactly seamless. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss the rich, salty flavors of processed foods or the indulgent creaminess of dairy. But as I began to prioritize these cancer-fighting foods, something surprising happened—my taste buds began to change. The more I filled my plate with vibrant greens, earthy mushrooms, and flavorful onions, the less I craved those old comfort foods.

One of the first changes I made was to incorporate greens into every meal. From simple salads to nutrient-dense smoothies, greens became a cornerstone of my daily routine. It became easy to add chopped kale or spinach into dishes like chili, curry, or even pasta sauces, enhancing both the flavor and the nutritional value.

Beans quickly became another staple in my diet. I started prioritizing soybeans, using tofu in stir-fries, snacking on edamame, and adding beans and lentils to soups and tacos. They’re an incredibly versatile ingredient that not only provide protein but also help in regulating blood sugar and supporting overall health.

Let’s not forget garlic and onions—my go-to flavor boosters! I joke that if cancer is anything like a vampire, I’m definitely keeping it at bay with the amount of garlic I consume. No meal is complete without fresh garlic and onions, whether in sauces, stir-fries, or sprinkled raw on salads.

And then there are the mushrooms—these earthy gems have become one of my favorite meat substitutes. Marinated in savory sauces, they transform into a satisfying addition to any meal. I’ve also added turkey tail mushrooms in pill form to my daily routine for their immune-boosting properties.

Berries—do I even need to explain? They’re delicious just as they are, but I love blending them into smoothies, adding them to salads, or topping them on oatmeal for a burst of sweetness and antioxidants.

Seeds like flaxseeds and chia seeds became a creative addition to my meals. I use flaxseeds as an egg substitute, sprinkle them into my oatmeal, or snack on an assortment of seeds and nuts throughout the day. Cashews have even made their way into my sauces and plant-based cheese recipes.

It’s amazing how versatile these foods are and how much joy I’ve found in experimenting with them. Preparing meals became a form of self-care, knowing that each ingredient I used had a purpose in nourishing my body.

Debunking Soy Myths

I can’t talk about my plant-based journey without addressing one of the biggest misconceptions out there: soy. There’s a myth that soy can raise estrogen levels and fuel cancer growth, and it’s something I had to research extensively. I even heard jokes from men worried that eating soy might give them "man boobs."

But here’s the truth: soy contains phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that can actually block harmful estrogens from binding to receptors in the body. It works similarly to Tamoxifen, the pill many women with hormone-related cancers are prescribed. So, instead of being harmful, soy foods like tofu, tempeh, and edamame are actually protective. Dr. Kristi Funk, a renowned breast cancer surgeon, has highlighted the role of soy in reducing the risk of breast cancer, and that knowledge gave me peace of mind as I embraced these foods in my diet.

Now, learning to cook tofu was a challenge at first. Let’s be real, it can go from tasteless mush to a flavorful meat substitute with a bit of practice. My favorite trick? Always press the water out first. Then, I cube it, shake on some spices, and pop it in the air fryer for about 13 minutes until it’s crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Simple, delicious, and satisfying!

Food is Medicine

When I started this journey, I was terrified. I had no idea where it would lead, but I trusted in the power of food to help heal my body. And it did. Every meal became a decision—was I going to feed the disease, or was I going to fight it? With every bite, I chose healing.

But I also want to be clear: this is my story. I share it with you not to say that you should immediately make all the same decisions I did. Instead, I encourage you to listen to your own body, do your research, and make choices that align with your personal health journey. If my story brings you inspiration or gives you peace, then I’m glad. But remember, your path is uniquely yours.

In Conclusion

Food became my medicine, my ally, my comfort, and my hope. I have shared some of my favorite, mouthwatering recipes on my website—radiatehealthandwellness.com—including my nacho cheese sauce, hearty soups, main dishes, and even desserts. These recipes are there for you, to inspire and assist you in creating meals that support your health.

Please stay tuned to this entire series about my cancer journey. In future episodes, I’ll share whether I’ve stayed on the whole-food, plant-based diet, the struggles I’ve faced over the past five years, and how I’ve found balance. In the next episode, we’ll dive into another critical area of prevention—endocrine disruptors and environmental hazards. We’ll talk about the chemicals we’re exposed to daily and how they could be impacting your health.

For now, I encourage you to take a look at your food choices. What small shift can you make today that will support your health tomorrow?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, I would be honored to guide you as your coach. Together, we can tune into your body and find a path that works for you—one that feels empowering and sustainable. I’ll assist you in making the small changes that will have a lasting impact and be sustainable for life. Please contact me for a free consultation.

I also invite you to explore my books, Discover the Adventure of You and Health BEAMS. These books were both inspired by my healing journey to create openness to love, forgiveness, and healing for you. Discover the Adventure of You will assist you in finding your values, beliefs, and authentic self while helping you tune into what’s right for you. Health BEAMS is your guide to illuminating the path to a healthier lifestyle and preventing disease through balanced living. Together, they can be your roadmap to Radiate health and wellness."

Until next time, Continue Radiating Health and Wellness in all that you do!