The Power of intention and the law of attraction

  • You get what you think about most of the time,

  • Words create Thoughts and Feelings,

  • Thoughts and Feelings Create Vibrations,

  • Vibrations Create Actions,

  • Actions Create Results.

Understanding the Law of Attraction Beyond the Physical

The Law of Attraction operates most effectively when it aligns with your true self. Often, we focus on changing our bodies or attracting external objects, which vibrate at a lower energy level. For instance, when you focus solely on losing weight or combating illness, you unintentionally emphasize the negative. Remember, we attract what we think about most. By fixating on sickness or being overweight, you inadvertently draw more of the same into your life.

One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is the separation of body, mind, and spirit. The truth is that we are not our bodies; they are simply the vehicles we navigate life with. Instead of focusing on your body, shift your focus to the underlying desires. Why do you want to heal or achieve a healthier body? Is it freedom or love you’re after? What are the true feelings your soul craves? By identifying these deeper intentions, you can align with higher vibrational energy and manifest your desires more powerfully.

Consider your desires for external objects like a new car or a dream vacation. Why do you want these things? What will they do for your soul? Are you seeking the sense of freedom that a new car might bring, or the joy and relaxation of a vacation? By understanding and focusing on these deeper desires, you align your intentions with your true self. This alignment not only facilitates the manifestation of these desires but also ensures they genuinely enrich your soul.

Personal Insights: Manifesting a Dream Life in Hawaii

I want to share a personal story that perfectly illustrates the power of the Law of Attraction. My husband Travis and I had a dream of moving to Hawaii. We weren’t narrowly focused on the specifics; instead, we were open to opportunities and possibilities, trusting that the universe would guide us. We could feel deep within us what our new life in Hawaii would be like. This feeling became our destination, while we remained open to the what, where, when, and how.

This openness allowed us to manifest more than we could have imagined. The perfect job opportunities appeared, the sale of our home in Utah went smoothly, and our dream home in Hawaii came on the market at the perfect time. We were in a state of flow, where action and consciousness melted together seamlessly. This experience taught me that by focusing on the higher vibrational feelings and staying open to the universe's guidance, you can create miracles in your life.

The Power of Gratitude

One of the most powerful tools in harnessing the Law of Attraction is gratitude. Practicing gratitude aligns you with the high vibrational energy needed to manifest your desires. Take a moment each day to sit back, close your eyes, and place your hand on your heart. Feel your heart swell with sincere gratitude for all that you have and all that you are attracting into your life at this very moment. Give thanks as if you already have everything you desire. This act of gratitude not only elevates your energy but also signals to the universe that you are ready to receive more of what you appreciate.

Take the First Step Towards Your True Self

Are you ready to unlock the power of the Law of Attraction in your life? Start by identifying your true desires. Shift your focus from the physical to the feelings and experiences you wish to cultivate. Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, trusting that the universe will guide you towards your highest good.

Remember, the power to create the life you desire lies within you. By tuning into your high vibrational energy and aligning your intentions with your true self, you can manifest miracles. Get clear on what your soul years for. What do you really, really want to create for your true self? Set your intentions high with unlimited possibilities, and focus on the positive thoughts and feelings you have. Take the time to visualize every aspect of what you want to create. See it, feel it, taste it, live it. Allow your senses to create a burning in your heart with gratitude that propels you toward your deepest desire, then surrender and trust as the manifestation happens.

Stay radiant, my friends, and let the journey to your true self begin!

Please watch the adjoining episode of the Radiate Health and Wellness Podcast below, or listen on SPOTIFY, where I dig deep, get personal, and share valuable tools and insights in incorporating the power of intention and the law of attraction into your life.

As I mentioned on the podcast, please check out chapter 9, located on lucky page #69 in “Discover the Adventure of You”, the chapter dedicated to the Law of Attraction and Intention.

Available in hardback, paperback, and e-book formats. Get your copy today on Amazon, Balboa Press, or your favorite book platform.

Christine D Ross

Christine D. Ross is a captivating writer and a passionate advocate for holistic well-being. As the author of "Discover the Adventure of You," she combines her love for words with a commitment to empowering individuals on their wellness journey. Christine is the founder of Radiate Health and Wellness, where she serves as an NCCA board-certified health and wellness coach, life/empowerment coach, fitness nutrition specialist, and whole foods cook. With a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul, Christine dedicates herself to guiding others toward comprehensive well-being, fostering positive transformations that last a lifetime.



Embracing Midlife Transitions